Microsites for Business
Cost efficient and effective branding tools

What are Microsites?
Microsites are branded content pages that live outside of a company URL website…
they can be a simple profile page to multiple pages.
below are some advantages to why businesses have them.
Anchor a brand
Publish content as a communication platform for independent campaigns or a branded blogs.
An assortment of keyword-rich domain names that are highly valued by top search engines
Easily implement Google Adsense, CPA Offers or any other monetization platform
Build Authority
Build authority by publishing original content on an ongoing regular schedule
Social Media
Seemlessly integrate across niche websites and popular social media platforms.
Interactive features
A powerful way to communicate and build relationships directly with an audience over time.
Profile Page
- Custom User Name
- Photo & Video Tabs
- SEO Ready
- Social Media Ready
- SSL Support
- GDPR Compliance
Landing Page
- Custom URL
- 3 Sections CTA
- SEO Ready
- Social Media Ready
- SSL Support
- GDPR Compliance
- Custom URL
- 2 page WordPress Theme
- SEO Ready
- Social Media Ready
- SSL Support
- GDPR Compliance
Premium Domain
- 5 page WordPress Theme
- SEO Ready
- Social Media Ready
- SSL Support
- GDPR Compliance